Friday, June 26, 2009

bertag-tag plk..haha

-Go through your wall posts and list the first 15 names pop up in ur mind.
- Do not list any repeats; simply go to the next name in the list.
- Then, answer the 41 questions below, pertaining to the 15 people.
- When you finish, tag all 15 people in the list, so the cycle can continue.
- If you've been tagged, copy and paste this information into a new note, and follow the directions above

1. Daisy
2. Ieka
3. Ani
4. Soe
5. Iwan
6. Mad
7. Kak Dayah
8. Syikin
9. Jimmy
10. ijat
11. enie
12. jue
13. zatie
14. enie
15. Shamsinar

1. How did you meet 1?
- ms beratur ikut kos kat pdg senget...senyap je dia..haha

2. What would you do if you never met 8?
- jgn la shbt dr drjah 1 tu..but it's still happen..tipun kan adaaa..hehe

3. Would you date 2?
- always bermula 2 sem lps..kan ieka kan..dan berkekalan sehingga sekarang

4. Have you ever seen 11 cry??
- last day tingkatan 5..sblm exam spm..kan la..haha

5. Would 3 and 13 make a good couple?
- hahaha..dua2 pempuan..bhya wooooo...

6. Describe 9.
- selalu perasan dah dewasa sedangkan umo blm ckup 22 thun..hahaha..x leh nak describe bnyk2..hikhik

7. Do you like 2?
- of course ler...teman secetak dan searca..n kdg2 teman sebilik..keh3

8. Do you think 6 is attractive?
- sgt2...kdg2 sampai melampau..hahaha..sowyyy

9. 9. When was the last time you talked to 14?
- 7hb 6 hr sepupu dia kawin.

10. Would you ever date 7?
- mmg la...selalu ade bersama sy..tolak time sy keje la..huhu

11. Where does 15 live?
- skrg dia keje kat ipoh..dia asal dr kg dia org kedah.

12. What is the best thing about 5?
-hah..ape ye..dia jenis x kisah kot..n dia pndai berlakon..hihihi

13. What would you like to tell 13 right now?
- everything is happen is not our control..hahaha..take care zatie..

14. What is the best thing about 12?
- ermm..depend mood..sempoi..

15. Have you ever kissed 12?
- penah kiss2 pipi je kot..lupa dah..hahaha

16. What's the best memory you have with 10?
- g kuar sm2..ngan kwn2 akan dtg x pasti blh buat bnda sm ke x..huhuhu

17. Who is 3's best friend?
- sume yg tersenarai la..malahan berlebih-lebih lg..

18. Is 15 pretty?
- yup..tmbh2 ms nmpk dia pakai make up hr dia kawin..

19. What was your first impression of 4?
- psiko lebih..hahaha

20. Is 1 your best friend or your boyfriend?
- not just best friend or boyfriend..but more than that..waa...kita ade scandal ek c??

21. Have you seen 5 in the last month?
- jumpe ms dia kawin hr tu je la..pastu cntct2 gn ym je..

22. When was the last time you saw 11?
- ish..degil tui..last ckp ms 7hb 6..last jumpe pun 7hb 6 gak la..hahaha

23. Have you been to 13's house?
- x penah..tgk la nnt klu ade rezeki..insyaAllah..

24. When's the next time you'll see 9?
- erm...esok kot..atau ahad..atau bila2 ade peluang..klu jd laaa...hahaha.

25. Are you really close to 6?
- close ke mad..blh x seclose dia ngan yg no 2 tu..

26. Would you give 3 a hug?
- bnyk kali tmbh2 klu nak pisah lama..mcm ms nak cuti hr tu..rindu kat ani..isk2.

28. Do you know any secret about 5?
- x de kot.dia mn nak berahsia-rahsia ngan sy dah...huhuhu

29. Describe the relationship between 14 and 4?
- dorg x knl satu sm klu dah jodoh..akan berkenalan jgk..haha

30. What's your friendship like with 7?
- bkn rumate sebeno..rumate celup je..she likes my sy prak..dia bsuhkan tgn plk tu..thanks kak dyh..hehe

31. Have you ever danced with 12?
- ermm..penah ke jue???

32. How do you know 8?
- satu kelas ms darjah 1 ler..

33. Does 2 have a bf/gf?
- hahaha..tnye le dia..x berani nak komen.yg sy tau..dia blm declaire ngan sape2 lg..

34. Have you ever wanted to smack 4 in the face?
- teringin smack main2 je la..

35. Has 13 met your mother?
- enggak penah time la..bila sy bwk dia mai umah..

36. Have you traveled anywhere with 10?
- ntah..ingat2 lupa..mcm x penah je..

37. If you gave 7 $100, what would they spend it on?
- mcm 2 dia blh beli..dia cpt sgt berkenan kat satu2 bnda

38. What's your best memory of 2?
- terlalu bnyk..sehinga x dpt disenaraikan..

39. What is your best memory with 7?
- kongsi citer psl pkwe..kdg2 sampai dah x larat nak dgr dia citer..haha

40. What is the last thing you did with number 15?
- send gambar kawin dia yg ade dlm camera sy..

41. When did you meet 6?
- mggu lps..

~ The rule is,once u had been tagged,u must re-post this back and answer all the question..~ Do it if you think you are appreciating your friends..15 orang ini sila copy and paste soalan ini jika anda berminat/ada masa menjawab 41 soalan ni...huh..letih.

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