Tuesday, August 25, 2009

smile in sad

senyuman itu mampu menutup kesedihan. Namun kadang2 senyuman itu tidak mampu menyembunyikan kesedihan..sekiranya ini berlaku, ia bermakna kesedihan itu amat dahsyat.
Bukannye ape..sume ni sy nmpk dlm diri kwn2 dan kadang2 ia turut terjadi pada diri sendiri.
Tp walau ape pun..kpd kwn2 yang berada dalam kekeliruan, semoga korg dapat atasi semuanya dengan bijak..(hahaha..pandai bg nasihat tp x pandai buat)
Ape2 pun..semoga sy berjaya mengatasi semua cabaran..hahaha(lari topik dah)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i'm back for a while....

life is beautiful, but sometimes life is HURT..why i say that???only i know why.
life is beautiful but sometimes life is CONFUSED..why i say that???because it's happen to me.
life is beautiful but sometimes life is BORING..why i say that???because i feel it
life is beautiful but sometimes life is SAD..why i say that?? because i have cry
life is beautiful but sometimes life is QUITE..why i say that?? because sometimes i alone
life is beautiful but sometimes life is TENSION..why i say that??because i have the experience
life is beautiful but sometimes life is DANGEROUS..why i say that??because i knew it

how much i say "but"..the truth is many beautiful word than the negative word..
life will not be known living if all happy ...